unix tips
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
filetype off
call pathogen#infect()
call pathogen#helptags()
filetype indent on
filetype on
filetype plugin on
syntax on
set expandtab
set nobackup
set nowritebackup
set noswapfile
set lines=40
set columns=80
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4
set autoindent
set smarttab
map j
map k
map l
map h
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set ruler
set ignorecase
set scrolloff=5
" Add mapping for NERD Tree file browser.
map n :NERDTreeToggle
let NERDTreeWinSize=40
" Dont use fancy arrows for NERD Tree
let g:NERDTreeDirArrows=0
set wildignore+=*.pyc,*.orig
let g:ackprg="ack-grep -H --nocolor --nogroup --column"
nmap a :Ack!
let g:pyflakes_use_quickfix = 0
Saturday, January 17, 2015
fork and exec combination in python
fork() - will fork a new process with separate memory block, open file descriptors from parent process.
exec*() - it will replace current process with the program it is going to execute.
Above combination can be used to create several process in background. exec*() in detail :
There are various confusing forms in python.
1. execl(<program_path>,<arg1>,<arg2>,..,<argN>)
program_path : either input absolute path of program file or set PATH variable and specify only program name
arg1,arg2,..,argN : These are arguments to program. Always remember to set arg1 to program name because in python sys.argv[0] is name of program. Actual program arguments are starting from arg2.
2. execv(<program_path>,args)
program_path : either input absolute path of program file or set PATH variable and specify only program name
args : Create a tuple of arguments where first element is program name because in python sys.argv[0] is name of program. Actual program arguments are starting from second element in tuple.
3. execlpe(<program_path>,arg1,arg2,..,..,env)
- everything is similar to execl. Only difference is 'p' means python will look into PATH if program path is not specified. 'e' means we can pass dictionary which contains environment variable name and its value which will be set before executing program.
5. execvpe(<program_path>,args,env)
- everything is similar to execv. Only difference is 'p' means python will look into PATH if program path is not specified. 'e' means we can pass dictionary which contains environment variable name and its value which will be set before executing program.
Try below program:
[manas_khandeshe@static-61 ~/Documents/sandbox]cat test.sh
echo "Script name : $script_name, $arg1"
echo "XYZ: "$XYZ
echo "PATH: "$PATH
echo "current directory: $current"
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
def _execl():
arg1 = "test"
arg2 = "abc"
os.environ["XYZ"] = 'MyXYZ'
def _execlpe():
arg1 = "test"
arg2 = "abc"
env = {
"XYZ" : 'MyXYZ'
def _execv():
args = ("test","abc")
os.environ["XYZ"] = 'MyXYZ'
def _execvpe():
env = {
args = ("test","abc")
def main():
exec*() - it will replace current process with the program it is going to execute.
Above combination can be used to create several process in background. exec*() in detail :
There are various confusing forms in python.
1. execl(<program_path>,<arg1>,<arg2>,..,<argN>)
program_path : either input absolute path of program file or set PATH variable and specify only program name
arg1,arg2,..,argN : These are arguments to program. Always remember to set arg1 to program name because in python sys.argv[0] is name of program. Actual program arguments are starting from arg2.
2. execv(<program_path>,args)
program_path : either input absolute path of program file or set PATH variable and specify only program name
args : Create a tuple of arguments where first element is program name because in python sys.argv[0] is name of program. Actual program arguments are starting from second element in tuple.
3. execlpe(<program_path>,arg1,arg2,..,..,env)
- everything is similar to execl. Only difference is 'p' means python will look into PATH if program path is not specified. 'e' means we can pass dictionary which contains environment variable name and its value which will be set before executing program.
5. execvpe(<program_path>,args,env)
- everything is similar to execv. Only difference is 'p' means python will look into PATH if program path is not specified. 'e' means we can pass dictionary which contains environment variable name and its value which will be set before executing program.
Try below program:
[manas_khandeshe@static-61 ~/Documents/sandbox]cat test.sh
echo "Script name : $script_name, $arg1"
echo "XYZ: "$XYZ
echo "PATH: "$PATH
echo "current directory: $current"
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
def _execl():
arg1 = "test"
arg2 = "abc"
os.environ["XYZ"] = 'MyXYZ'
def _execlpe():
arg1 = "test"
arg2 = "abc"
env = {
"XYZ" : 'MyXYZ'
def _execv():
args = ("test","abc")
os.environ["XYZ"] = 'MyXYZ'
def _execvpe():
env = {
args = ("test","abc")
def main():
Saturday, January 10, 2015
What does fork means in python
Technically, a forked process gets a copy of the original process’s global memory, including open file descriptors. Because of that, global objects like files start out with the same values in a child process, so all the processes here are tied to the same single stream. But it’s important to remember that global memory is copied, not shared; if a child process changes a global object, it changes only its own copy. (As we’ll see, this works differently in threads, the topic of the next section.)
Friday, December 26, 2014
Where to put libraries in python ? Follow any of the following approach.
1. Current working directory
2. Set 'PYTHONLIB' environment variable at command line shell
3. In your script, do
import sys
sys.path.append(<directory location>)
4. Put in Python specific default lib locations.
e.g. /usr/lib/python3.3
5. Create <anyname>.pth file with list of directory abs paths separated by new line. Where each path contains location of library files.
1. Current working directory
2. Set 'PYTHONLIB' environment variable at command line shell
3. In your script, do
import sys
sys.path.append(<directory location>)
4. Put in Python specific default lib locations.
e.g. /usr/lib/python3.3
5. Create <anyname>.pth file with list of directory abs paths separated by new line. Where each path contains location of library files.
import site
variable scope rule in python
variable scopes in python:
For a variable, python interpreter will access/search it starting from Local scope.
If it is not found in local scope, it will check in Enclosing defs as per following order.
L (local)
-> E (enclosing def or lamba)
-> G (global)
-> B (built in)
For a variable, python interpreter will access/search it starting from Local scope.
If it is not found in local scope, it will check in Enclosing defs as per following order.
L (local)
-> E (enclosing def or lamba)
-> G (global)
-> B (built in)
import module vs ( from module import name1)
in python, statement like this one:
from module import name1, name2 # Copy these two names out (only)
is equivalent to this statement sequence:
import module # Fetch the module object
name1 = module.name1 # Copy names out by assignment
name2 = module.name2
del module
>> It means python interpreter will load entire module even if you want only few attributes of module.
from module import name1, name2 # Copy these two names out (only)
is equivalent to this statement sequence:
import module # Fetch the module object
name1 = module.name1 # Copy names out by assignment
name2 = module.name2
del module
>> It means python interpreter will load entire module even if you want only few attributes of module.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Thursday, November 29, 2012
bulk rename
It's very simple command, but I never used before [I was going to write a script for this req. :)] [mandy@mandy mpix]$ ls *20121031000012* mp1_20121031000012.txt mp2_20121031000012.txt mp3_20121031000012.txt [mandy@mandy mpix]$ rename "20121031000012" "20121031000013" *20121031000012.txt [mandy@mandy mpix]$ ls *20121031000013* mp1_20121031000013.txt mp2_20121031000013.txt mp3_20121031000013.txt
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Dealing with images??, get ImageMagick
I am using and playing a lot with the images in my current project. It involves heavy dealing with png's, jpg's and gif's like: merging, cutting, re-scaling and stuff.
There is a very cool library to deal with all these things : ImageMagick.
You can do pretty much anything with this.
You have extension available for PHP for imagemagick named as Imagick.( Perl also have an extension).
This could be a very good start if you are interested:
There is a very cool library to deal with all these things : ImageMagick.
You can do pretty much anything with this.
You have extension available for PHP for imagemagick named as Imagick.( Perl also have an extension).
This could be a very good start if you are interested:
Saturday, November 24, 2012
MySQL Security Best Practices
Very useful link for MySQL Security: http://www.greensql.com/articles/mysql-security-best-practices
Monday, October 29, 2012
How to write perl shell.
[root@manas ~]cat /tmp/perl_shell
do {
$output = eval;
if($output =~ /^\s*$/) {
print "\n$@";
else {
print "\n$output";
print "\nperl_shell>";
} while(<>);
Now you can use perl shell like following :
perl_shell>print "Mandar Pande is a rich man ! "
Mandar Pande is a rich man !
perl_shell>print rand(100)
perl_shell>print sqrt(16);
simple tab settings in vi/vim
Pretty simple setting ! But I used to forget every time :). Python coding would be hell, if this setting is not defined in .vimrc. set smartindent set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab Guys, Please continue to update .vimrc settings on this post.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
lftp file transfer in shell script
script uses conf file as an input: [mandy@mandy mpix]$ cat lftp.sh #!/bin/sh lftp -f lftp.conf Input file uses open command on port 2121: [mandy@mandy mpix]$ cat lftp.conf open -p 2121 server_name mput file1 mput file2 mput file3 bye
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Remote copy using tar over ssh.
$tar -cvf - <source_content> | ssh <user@hostname> "tar -xvf - -C <where_to_copy>"
- : tells tar to compress and send output of tar to terminal ( at source )
- : tells tar to accept input from terminal and extract into directory specified by -C.
Observations :
It takes at least 40% of less time than actual scp/rcp takes !!
$tar -cvf - <source_content> | ssh <user@hostname> "tar -xvf - -C <where_to_copy>"
- : tells tar to compress and send output of tar to terminal ( at source )
- : tells tar to accept input from terminal and extract into directory specified by -C.
Observations :
It takes at least 40% of less time than actual scp/rcp takes !!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
tar quick ref
List the files from tar: ------------------------ [mandy@mandy mpande]$ tar -tvf mp.tar -rw-r----- mandy/mandy 12 2012-08-30 05:13:06 20120830000001.txt -rw-r----- mandy/mandy 12 2012-08-30 05:13:15 20120830000002 -rw-r----- mandy/mandy 12 2012-08-30 05:13:25 20120830000003.txt -rw-r----- mandy/mandy 12 2012-08-30 05:11:32 3 -rw-r----- mandy/mandy 12 2012-08-30 05:11:34 4 -rw-r----- mandy/mandy 12 2012-08-30 05:11:37 5 List only *2012* files from tar: -------------------------------- [mandy@mandy mpande]$ tar -tvf mp.tar --wildcards --no-anchored '*2012*' -rw-r----- mandy/mandy 12 2012-08-30 05:13:06 20120830000001.txt -rw-r----- mandy/mandy 12 2012-08-30 05:13:15 20120830000002 -rw-r----- mandy/mandy 12 2012-08-30 05:13:25 20120830000003.txt Extract files with *2012* from tar: ----------------------------------- [mandy@mandy mpande]$ tar -xvf mp.tar --wildcards --no-anchored '*2012*' 20120830000001.txt 20120830000002 20120830000003.txt List files excluding certain pattern: ------------------------------------- [mandy@mandy mpande]$ tar -tvf mp.tar --exclude *2012* -rw-r----- mandy/mandy 12 2012-08-30 05:11:32 3 -rw-r----- mandy/mandy 12 2012-08-30 05:11:34 4 -rw-r----- mandy/mandy 12 2012-08-30 05:11:37 5 Extract files excluding certain pattern: ---------------------------------------- [mandy@mandy mpande]$ tar -xvf mp.tar --exclude *2012* 3 4 5
Monday, October 8, 2012
Reset MySQL root Password
Many times it happens that we do forget the root password for our mysql instance(whether local or on server if you have rights). It also happens, if we start using a system in which mysql was already there and we don't know whats the root login.
Following steps can help in resetting the root password
Note: You must have root privileges or sudo access to execute the commands :)
1) Stop the mysql daemon:
like: /etc/init.d/mysql stop
2) Start to MySQL server w/o password:
use skip-grant-tables option while restarting.
3) Connect to mysql server as the root user:
mysql -u root
4) Setup new mysql root account password i.e. reset mysql password:
update user set password=PASSWORD("new password") where User='root';
(we need to enter password in encrypted form, so using password())
5) Exit and restart the MySQL server:
like: /etc/init.d/mysql restart
Hope this is useful.
Many times it happens that we do forget the root password for our mysql instance(whether local or on server if you have rights). It also happens, if we start using a system in which mysql was already there and we don't know whats the root login.
Following steps can help in resetting the root password
Note: You must have root privileges or sudo access to execute the commands :)
1) Stop the mysql daemon:
like: /etc/init.d/mysql stop
2) Start to MySQL server w/o password:
use skip-grant-tables option while restarting.
3) Connect to mysql server as the root user:
mysql -u root
4) Setup new mysql root account password i.e. reset mysql password:
update user set password=PASSWORD("new password") where User='root';
(we need to enter password in encrypted form, so using password())
5) Exit and restart the MySQL server:
like: /etc/init.d/mysql restart
Hope this is useful.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Perl smart match operator
Many times, it is very handy to use this operator for comparing arrays, hashes:
use 5.010; my(@arr_a)=qw (123 abc def ghi); my(@arr_b)=qw (123 abc def ghi); print "same2same\n" if (@arr_a ~~ @arr_b);
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
How to setup yum in RHEL 6.0
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/iso1.repo <-- this name can be anything but in the format *.repo
baseurl=ftp://<servername>/<path where repodata directory is available> < ---- [ it means 'repodata' dir should be available in this path ]
Above procedure should be same for other OS.
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/iso1.repo <-- this name can be anything but in the format *.repo
baseurl=ftp://<servername>/<path where repodata directory is available> < ---- [ it means 'repodata' dir should be available in this path ]
Above procedure should be same for other OS.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
I haven't ever heard about open source Search Engine kinda thingy...... :P
Came around this:
The Apache Lucene project develops open-source search software
Apache Lucene
Came around this:
The Apache Lucene project develops open-source search software
Apache Lucene
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